Florida is known widely as the Fishing Capital of the World, with the largest recreational fishery and the second largest seafood industry in the nation. Florida’s Coral Reef is a major reason why 4 million recreational and commercial anglers flock to the state’s waters every year.
With more than 6,000 aquatic species that live along Florida’s Coral Reef, this unique living habitat is highly valuable for both commercial and recreational fisheries and is considered a vital food source for people worldwide. In the U.S., about half of all federally managed fisheries depend on coral reefs. Commercial and recreational fishing in Florida alone supports 120,000 jobs and generates $13.8 billion in annual revenue.
In 2019, the five counties that border Florida’s Coral Reef reported an estimated revenue of more than $166 million in economic impact from commercial fishery landings.

By supporting the conservation and restoration of Florida’s Coral Reef, you help ensure a sustainable, globally significant resource while supporting Florida’s vital tourism and fishing industries.
Learn more about responsible fishing practices and how to choose sustainable seafood when dining out or shopping for dinner.