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Frost Science Partners with NFL and Others to Build Coral Restoration Site

Written by: Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science

Coral reefs are some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. They support 25 percent of all marine species on the planet and play an important role in protecting our city from full-force waves. But between warming seas, dangerous run-off pollution and disease, South Florida’s coral reefs are under attack. Nearly 50 percent of the local coral ecosystem has died off, with countless other organisms at risk of facing a similar fate.  Not only could their extinction cause billions of dollars in infrastructure damage to South Florida, it’s estimated that close to 71,000 workers interacting with South Florida’s coral reefs could lose their jobs, and nearly $10 billion in annual income could also be lost.

A new initiative launched at the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science in June, carried out with the help of various local stakeholders, is hoping to mitigate this coral disaster – and while our efforts are just getting started, we’re already making some significant progress toward repairing and restoring some of our most precious natural resources.

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